“If Gaia is alive, and we are, then we both must be parts of a larger self-regulating system, for in a systems paradigm, all things are connected.”

-James A. Swan (excerpt from Gaia’s Hidden Life: The Unseen Intelligence of Nature)


Luxury Condos, and the rest

Luxury Condos, and the rest
The Making of a Place

Starting in Fall of 2009, Woven Spaces will be curating a three-part exhibition pulling together artists, architects, filmmakers, and performance artists who have lived in Greenpoint/Williamsburg for at least three years. Luxury Condos, and the rest; The Making of a Place will include a range of works from historical documentation, to reactive, redesigned, or reimagined – covering structural, natural, and recreational geographical aspects of the neighborhoods. The works will be presented within the traditional gallery setting, raw industrial interiors and open space venues.

Watch for more updates under the Current Projects page.